


Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is a type of edible seed that comes in various colors including black, red, yellow, and white. We provide the best quality american quinoa,it is a whole grain high in protein,dietary fiber, B vitamins, and dietary minerals and makes it a great substitute of rice. The plant has been cultivated for about 5000 years and is indigenous to the Andean region of South America, specifically Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Peru. After the seeds are harvested they undergo processing to remove the natural saponins, a bitter-tasting chemical compound coating the exterior that acts as a natural pesticide.

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There are over 3,000 varieties of quinoa, many of which are still grown, and several varieties are commercialised. These varieties have diverse nutritional properties, but so far, the awareness in the market of these differences is limited. The key properties for trading purposes are:

  1. The colour: yellow-white, red or black
  2. organic or non-organic cultivation
  3. origin or growth climate: lowland (coastal area), highland or ‘Royal Quinoa’ with denomination of origin
  4. seed size (‘Royal Quinoa’ is known to have a larger seed size)
  5. the presence of saponin (sweet or bitter quinoa)


Weight N/A
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1kg, 500gm


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